Saturday Movie Marathon by Fatima Villar

A broadened thinking and an inspired mind- that's what I felt as the day movie marathon ended. Waking up early, lacking sleep on a weekend was nothing when in exchange my mind was filled with understanding, inspiration, and feelings that make me check reality once more. The films I watched made me realize that the world is filled with stories that are yet to be told, waiting to be shared, and there is so much more than what I believe is cliche' storytelling. 

One of the factors that made each film I watched feel real and are really inspirations in reality are the characters each film presented. In Iloilo, Teresa, an OFW who works for a Singaporean family, is someone who in each Filipino family has: an overseas Filipino worker going out of the country to find a better living for the sake of family. She represents the Filipinos in the film by her character of being someone who endures as much as she can, shows compassion and love even for someone else's family. Jiale and his parents represent families all over the world who are struggling in their own. In the film, the struggles of a family are showed which made each character relatable regardless of nationality or culture. Both Teresa and Jiale's family showed how different families around the world have the same or similar situations and yet made the viewers that amidst these problems love, trust, and hope for everything will be okay still exists. The way Anthony Chen shared a part of his life in this film through the various shots about the life of each character and the color schemes and color grading of the film drawn the viewers to the feel about each character's situation. 

Another factor why the films I watched broadened my thinking is because where the story of each films are taken from. Pinoy Transkings, an advocacy documentary about Filipino women transitioning to men, is a great example. Before I watched the film, I did not have an awareness  or prior knowledge of the women here in the Philippines transitioning to men.  The documentary showed the process these Transkings have gone through to achieve the feeling of being whole, the happiness they think that they have longed for, and be who they think they really are. Although the technical aspects in the film like camera work, audio, lighting and shots are lacking, the story that they want people to be aware of still prevails. Nevertheless, the message is sent: women transitioning to men exist and not only men wanting to be women. The Transkings shared how they prepared in so many aspects, not only their body but also their mind and soul. It is inspiring how one would do everything, sacrificing and enter a labyrinth of challenges and struggles to achieve the happiness they have long yearned and to be who they are. Many still are not aware of them and so I hope that many more would be able to watch this film and have an awareness and be open minded about them. May this documentary open many doors for them to be accepted by society. 

Last yet definitely not the least the factor of production design in each film. In Ang Nawawala, this movie showed as if it was stuck in a certain period. Like it is stuck in the past wherein the world of the characters in the story stopped because of the tragic death of Gibson's twin. The retro, vintage production design in contrast to the modern technology and millennial youth of the main character bring together the past and the present earning the taste of the viewers. The design of the house which showcased a lot of stuff from the 50's to the 80's and the fashion of the clothes the characters wore showed the time period were they were lost in time. From the indie songs which are really catchy to the simple ambient music, the soundtrack also made an impact in making this film what I think as a must watch. Gibson would only talk whenever he was with a guy in the washroom or within his personal space such as his bedroom. Later in the movie, the guy he's with is realized to be his dead twin. The mise-en-scene of these scenes of Gibson and his dead twin Jaime show that he only reveals his thoughts whenever he is on the influence of drugs or he is alone. The only time wherein Gibson and Jaime are showed outside is in Jaime's grave wherein they share on last smoke before Jaime vanishes which means to symbolize Gibson letting go of the past and his conscience on the tragic death of Jaime. 

Iloilo, Pinoy Transkings, and Ang Nawawala are examples of movies that would show a person the capability of people to make films with impact and significance with creativity and eye for details. They showed how life experiences, the stories one possess can inspire and give awareness to those who are still in the shade of shelter from the bigger world. May films like them be marketed more in order to uplift the lowering standards of most Filipinos in mediocre and solely commercial purposed and for profit movies. 

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