Deep Focus: Behind the making of "Corruption" by Ofelyn Datuin

They say a lot can happen in a couple of minutes and during the course of our shoot we were able to prove that. It was a completely tiring experience whether we were making our script, going to several locations to find the perfect venue, shooting amidst the bustling crowded streets or carrying our equipment at even the most dangerous of places. We find ourselves completely exhausted. Our time may not have been much, and every decision would later on become a crucial part of our video/shoot but I am proud to be able to work alongside such hardworking and equally dedicated teammates,without whom, I'd have most likely given up. It was a Rollercoaster of emotions, we would laugh and play around having fun at our set and the next we'd be frustrated and confused because something would ruin our plan and at the spot have to conceptualize in order to make up for what we have lost. But all in all we were able to finish our shoot, which we are all very proud of, had the time to bond even in our hectic schedule and with all honesty I had some doubt that we  wouldn't be able to accomplish filming, but with my group mates with me, all of my doubts have been wiped away and I couldn't have it any other way.

Our video only lasted for 6 minutes but we were able to capture an important message that ultimately deconstructed the idea that corruption is all about money and politics. Corruption has many forms, whether it be born out of greed, envy or pride there is corruption all around us. All lurking behind a mask that may unexpectedly be in our very own midst.

With the events that have recently occurred in several countries, from Paris, to Lebanon, to Kenya and even the ongoing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria our video ultimately implies that corruption is in the very mind of a person. It is not just about religion, wealth and property that cause war and terrorism in the world but it is the way we work for it that bear war. And although we all wish to attain a world of peace, truth and justice and that it may benefit every individual to live a life without poverty, this is the very reality we have. That what lies behind each person is a mask with their own motives. And the very world we so long for, is all just a dream and in the end we should wake up to the reality of our what our world is.

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